
Ofsted Report

Our most recent Ofsted inspection in May 2023 stated that we were 'good'. You can find the report in the Ofsted history link above. .

Some of the comments the inspectors made were as follows:

'...Children settle quickly when they arrive here. Sessions get off to a happy start with welcome songs.

Staff are friendly and caring. They encourage everyone to join in.

Adults frequently model and explain the school values, such as bravery and helpfulness. They give plenty of praise and encouragement to children who show these values in their own behaviour, for example by sharing kindly.

Children have time to follow their interests and make choices with increasing independence.
Adults identify the most important words for children to understand, and they teach these clearly. Adults listen carefully to children.. They go over what children need to know until they are secure.

Leaders place a high priority on developing children's language skills across the curriculum. Children are captivated by the clear language and actions that adults use in these sessions.

Leaders have put effective systems in place to identify children who have SEND. Adults skilfully include children with SEND in activities alongside their peers. Well-trained staff also provide bespoke support to help children with SEND make progress.

Leaders provide a range of activities to enrich learning.

Governors provide effective support and challenge in their strategic role.

A culture of safeguarding is in place across the school. All adults have the training they need to understand and carry out their roles for keeping children safe...'
Parents' Views

If you would like to add your comments about our school, please go to the Ofsted Parent View website www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/ and give your views.