Do you have no recourse to public funds? Visit the CHILDCARE choices website to find out if you are eligible for government funded hours.

Prospectus and Policies

Our Values and Ethos for the Nursery School are very important to us. Click below to see our values and our Prospectus.

Some of our policies are listed below. Click on the links to view.

Safeguarding is of the utmost importance and is the responsibility of all of us. Please see the attached poster for details of our lead safeguarding staff and information about whistleblowing.

Eighty-five to ninety percent of a child’s brain develops by age five!

 The impact of non-attendance at nursery significantly increases gaps in knowledge and understanding for children. Research has shown that this has a huge impact on their attainment, achievement and future life choices.

As a nursery school, we are required to keep records of children’s attendance and judgements are made about how we work with parents to ensure attendance remains high.

According to The DfE, ‘The government expects that schools:

-promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent absence

-act early to address patterns of absence’


For more information and to see the importance of EYPP funding for our nursery children, please go to the Early Years Pupil Premium page.

Go to DFE schools financial benchmarking for further information.
For information, as required by the Schools Financial Value Standard, we have no staff whose gross salary exceeds £100,000.